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October 20th - FREE Mental Health Support for Business Owners & Ag Professionals in Dufferin

Posted on Tuesday, October 05, 2021 10:00 AM

inDufferin is launching Stress, Survival & Showing Up, a new, FREE mental health series of events, workshops and resources designed to support business owners, agriculture professionals, and their teams. The events and interactive workshops will be led by mental health specialists hailing from the agriculture, food and beverage and creative therapy sectors. The Stress, Survival & Showing Up series is completely FREE and available to all members of the Dufferin County business and agriculture...

NOTICE: Waldemar Pumphouse Valve Replacements - October 2021

Posted on Wednesday, September 29, 2021 01:55 PM

The Township of Amaranth recently awarded H2Ontario Incorporated the contract to replace valves in the Waldemar Pumphouse. The project is scheduled to take place over the next few weeks from Tuesday, October 12, 2021 to Friday, November 5, 2021. The project is restricted to the area around the Waldemar pumphouse with all work areas fenced off from the public. Work will take place between 7:30AM to 4:30PM, Monday to Friday. Traffic and pedestrian control measures will be put in place on the laneway...

Dufferin’s Community Safety & Well-Being Plan

Posted on Wednesday, September 29, 2021 12:08 PM

The Comprehensive Police Services Act (2019) requires municipal governments to adopt Community Safety and Well-Being (CSWB) plans. The legislation states every municipal council is required to develop and adopt these plans by working in partnership with a multi-sectoral advisory committee, effective January 1, 2019 and to be completed originally by January 1, 2021. However, in light of the pandemic the Province signaled that an extension would be granted. In June 2021, County Council and all 8 lower...

Conservation Ontario - Water Wednesdays September 29

Posted on Wednesday, September 29, 2021 11:42 AM

GUDI means Groundwater Under the Direct Influence of surface water. Municipal wells where surface water influences the groundwater supply are classed as GUDI. Activities that occur near the closest water source – lake or river - are more likely to impact the quality of the well water. For example, an oil spill in these areas would have a negative effect on the water in GUDI wells. A wellhead protection area E is designated for these wells, and involve a 2-hour time of travel in closest surface water...

October 12th - FREE Mental Health Support for Business Owners & Ag Professionals in Dufferin

Posted on Tuesday, September 28, 2021 12:19 PM

inDufferin is launching Stress, Survival & Showing Up, a new, FREE mental health series of events, workshops and resources designed to support business owners, agriculture professionals, and their teams. The events and interactive workshops will be led by mental health specialists hailing from the agriculture, food and beverage and creative therapy sectors. The Stress, Survival & Showing Up series is completely FREE and available to all members of the Dufferin County business and agriculture...

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