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Animal Services

Dog Tags

Changes have been made to the annual dog licensing system starting January 1, 2024. The Township will be migrating to a perpetual dog tag. The most recent dog tag you received will be your dog’s permanent tag. In the event a resident loses their dog tag they can contact the Municipal Office to have their tag replaced for a fee of $5.00. A replacement tag will be issued and the tag number updated in the Township’s system. Unpaid dog tag invoices will be added to property tax accounts.

If you need to inform us of any changes, please email or call the office at 519-941-1007. 

Payment options: 

Online Banking: Add Township of Amaranth - Water as a payee and use your customer number found on the top right hand side of your invoice.  

Cheque: Mail us a cheque or drop off a cheque to the office.  You can use the drop box located outside the office door.

Cash: Accepted at the office.

Dog Tag application Form

Applications can be mailed to You are required to license each dog that resides on a property, pursuant to By-law 45-2005 and to notify the Township if your dog is not registered.

Dogs running at large are prohibited within the Township.

If you find a dog running at large please contact the Township Animal Control Officer:

Cheryl Roberts at 519-373-1000 or



Livestock Claims – Livestock Investigator

Under the Ontario Wildlife Damage Compensation Program, livestock and poultry producers are entitled to make claims to their local municipality for livestock losses. If you believe your livestock/poultry/bee colony have suffered injury/kill due to predation, you should immediately notify an investigator. Do not remove the carcass from the attack site as the investigator will want to examine the area for evidence to help  determine the cause of the loss. Please take a picture for reference.

The Township of Amaranth has appointed the following persons as livestock investigators who can be reached at the following numbers:

  • Tyler 519-288-2864
  • Janie 905-691-5909

You may also report livestock injuries/kill to the Municipal Office at 519-941-1007 during business hours. 

What happens when you contact the investigator? They will attend the site, make a full investigation and submit a written report within 10 days to the Municipal Clerk. You will receive a copy of the report. The investigator must state in the report the predator responsible for the injuring/killing of the livestock or poultry. 

Visit the OMAFRA website for more information on this subject.

For instructions of how to obtain a Premise ID number, please contact the Agriculture Information Contact Centre at 1-877-424-1300 or email

For more information and instructions of how to obtain a Farm Business Registration Number, please contact Agricorp at 1-866-327-3678. or register online on the Agricorp website.

Nuisance Beaver Program

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