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Remembrance Day 2022

Grand Valley Remembrance Day Ceremony - Grand Valley Cenotaph, November 11, 2022 @ 10:30am. In the event of severe weather, the service will be held in the Grand River Room at the Grand Valley & District Community Centre, 90 Main Street North.
Refreshments will be served following the service at the Community Centre.

Shelburne Remembrance Day Ceremony - The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 220 at 230 William St., in Shelburne will have a Remembrance Day service on Nov. 11. Participants can meet at 9:45 a.m. for the parade that will begin at 10:40 a.m. from the legion to the cenotaph.

Orangeville Remembrance Day Ceremony - Parade and Service will take place in person on Nov. 11 with no restrictions this year.
The parade will include a pipe band, bugler, retired and currently serving military members, the 1849 Lorne Scots: Royal Canadian Army Cadets, Orangeville Fire Service, EMS, and others. The parade will begin at the RCL Branch 233 in Orangeville at 10:30 a.m. Participants will walk from 7 John St., turn right onto Broadway, continue to march down Broadway and turn left onto Second Street toward the cenotaph at Alexandra Park behind town hall.

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