Notice to Public - New 4-way stop

New 4-way stop at County Road 12 and 20 Sideroad, Amaranth
Notice to Residents & Public
The Township identified concerns with the above noted intersection. The County of Dufferin completed a review of the intersection, a full copy of the report can be found in the May 25, 2023 report from the INFRASTRUCTURE & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES
At the June 8, 2023 Dufferin County Council meeting, Council passed the following motion on the Intersection Review – Dufferin Road 12 & 20 Sideroad Amaranth
“THAT the report of the Director of Public Works/County Engineer, dated May 25, 2023, Intersection Review – Dufferin Road 12 & 20 Sideroad Amaranth, be received;
AND THAT staff proceed with installing a temporary four-way stop control system for the intersection of Dufferin Road 12 and 20 Sideroad Amaranth;
AND THAT staff follow the guidance of the Ontario Traffic Manual to transition the intersection to a two-way stop control for 20 Sideroad with Dufferin Road 12 becoming the through road.”
The public can submit and questions or comments to the County of Dufferin directly.