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Grand River Watershed Conditions Statement Dec 30 2022

Grand River Watershed Conditions Statement - Water Safety
Date Issued: December 30, 2022 @ 12:00 p.m.
Issued by: Vahid Taleban, Senior Engineer – Flood Management
Grand River Conservation Authority
Message: Caution urged around local waterways due to rainfall and warm temperatures

The weather system moving into southern Ontario on Friday will bring mild temperatures and moderate rainfall across the Grand River watershed. These warmer temperatures have triggered a gradual melting of the snow pack, which will result in runoff into local waterways. Moderate rainfall is expected to accompany this weather system with up to 40mm forecast for many parts of the watershed over the next five days.

Ground conditions are generally wet and/or frozen. While no significant flooding is anticipated, higher flows in local waterways will increase the risk in low-lying areas typically prone to flooding. River flows will remain elevated for several days, increasing the safety risk around rivers and streams throughout the watershed.

Many local waterways throughout the Grand River watershed are covered in ice at the present time. This ice is weaker than normal for this time of year; however, the potential for ice jams remain whenever ice is present in the river system.

Due to the dry weather conditions this year, upstream reservoirs are at extremely low levels and will be used to help manage runoff from this event, if necessary.

The public is encouraged to exercise extreme caution around all local waterways. Banks adjacent to rivers and creeks are very slippery and, when combined with cold, fast-moving water, pose a serious hazard. Parents are encouraged to keep their children and pets away from all watercourses.

This message will remain in effect until Friday, January 6, 2023. Updated flood messages will be issued, if necessary as conditions change.
For further information refer to GRCA’s website at .
For current river flow refer to the “River Data” section.
For a “River Safety Rules” brochure, refer to the “Learn & Get Involved/ River Safety” section.  

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