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Dufferin County Road 109 MCEA - Notice of Public Information Centre #2

Notice of Public Information Centre #2:
Schedule ‘C’ Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Study
Dufferin County Road 109/ 2nd Line Realignment, Dufferin County
Dufferin County retained WSP Canada Inc. to undertake the Schedule ‘C’ Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) Study to consider potential solutions to realign Dufferin County Road 109 and 2nd Line (Amaranth). 2nd Line is proposed to be realigned as the fourth leg of the Dufferin County Road 109 and Dufferin County Road 3 intersection. This realignment could precipitate a domino effect of impacting other intersections, namely Dufferin County Road 3 and Dufferin County Road 23, which is less than 100m south of the Dufferin County Road 109 and Dufferin County Road 3 intersection. The project will look to better understand the broader traffic impacts of the realignment and to confirm the best solution(s) for the study area.
This MCEA process is following the planning and design process for Schedule ‘C’ projects as described in the MCEA Document (October 2000 as amended in 2007, 2011, 2015, and 2023), which is an approved process under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act. As part of this process, two public events are planned in the study. The first of the public events was held in December 2022 and the second event is presented in this Notice. Once the study is complete, an Environmental Study Report (ESR) will be prepared and filed for a 30-day comment period. A Notice of Completion will be published in local newspapers and sent to the project mailing list to advise the public of the ESR comment period.
Public Information Centre (PIC) #2 is being held to provide an overview of the Study, summary of feedback from PIC #1, present the evaluation of alternatives and the preferred alternative, along with preliminary environmental impacts and proposed mitigation strategies and next steps.
You are invited to attend and provide input at PIC #2.
Date: June 6, 2023
Location: Front foyer of the Alder Street Community Center – 275 Alder St, Orangeville, ON L9W 5H6
Parking will be available within the Community Center parking lot
Time: 3:00PM to 7:00PM
The display materials will be shared online following the PIC.
As the study progresses, the County will engage residents, stakeholders and businesses as part of any decisions that contribute towards shaping the Dufferin County Road 109/ 2nd Line Realignment and the Project Team’s decision-making process.
You are encouraged to visit , where project information including study notices, background information, study updates, and the ESR will be made available as the study progresses. You can also submit comments and questions to the Project Team on the website.
Your input is welcome at any time during the study. If you wish to have your name added to the project mailing list or have any comments, questions, or concerns about the study, please contact one of the following Project Team members:
Brett Sears, MCIP, RPP
Senior Project Manager
WSP Canada Inc.
100 Commerce Valley Drive West
Thornhill, ON L3T 0A1

Scott Burns, P.Eng., C.E.T.
Director of Public Works and County Engineer
County of Dufferin
30 Centre Street
Orangeville, ON L9W 2X1
Tel: 519-941-2816 Ext. 2601


Information is being collected under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. With the exception of personal information, all comments will become part of the public record.
This Notice was issued: May 25, 2023

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