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  • 2024 Development Charges Study - Notice of Public Meeting

    On Wednesday, July 10, 2024 the Council of the Township of Amaranth will hold a public meeting, pursuant to section 12 of the Development Charges Act, 1997, as amended, to present and obtain public input on the Municipality’s proposed development charges (D.C.) by-law and underlying background study.

  • Public Notice - Intent to Remove a Holding Symbol
    The property owners have requested the removal of the Holding symbol from the subject property in order to permit the issuance of building permits for individuals lots within the registered plan of subdivision.
  • Ironwood Energy Storage Project

    Ironwood Energy Storage L.P., as the Project Proponent, is pleased to invite you to a second Public Community Meeting (PCM) to be held on December 8, 2023. Our aim is to provide you with the opportunity to raise any questions that may have come to mind since our first PCM on November 16.

  • Notice of Public Meeting August 10 2022

    On Wednesday August 10, 2022 the Council of The Township of Amaranth will hold a public meeting regarding a Fill Management Plan proposal at 513151 2nd Line, Amaranth in order to receive public input on the proposal. All interested parties are invited to attend the Public Meeting.

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