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Public Works Department

The Public Works department is responsible for the construction and maintenance of roads, including snow-plowing. Other activities include the maintenance of ditches, drainage, bridges, culverts, landfills, gravel pits, parks and traffic management. As municipal operations become more complex, engineers have become key members of the Public Works team.

Motorists are asked to be mindful when public works maintenance operations are underway. When approaching public works operations, please respect the signage posted and drive according to the present road conditions.

Adopt a Road Program is established as a public service program for environmentally conscious citizen volunteers / organizations to pick up litter along Township Right-of-ways.

The Township of Amaranth will enter into an agreement with citizen volunteers / organizations and commercial establishments, to adopt a section of the Township road and are recognized by signs erected by the Township Public Works Department acknowledging their efforts.

Adopt-A-Road Program Application Package

Applications will be reviewed and checked to ensure the section of road they wish to adopt is available, and is a safe stretch of road to work on.

Applications by citizen volunteers / organizations are limited to a maximum of five (5) per year.  Township to supply and erect the 'Adopt-a-road' sign.  If a personal identification sign is desired, the cost would be the responsibility of the volunteer / organization.

Applications by a commercial establishment have no limit to the number of applications submitted per year.  The commercial establishment is responsible for the cost of the 'adopt-a-road' sign and, if desired, the cost of the personal identification sign.

All parties must wear a safety vest (provided by the Township), protective gloves and appropriate footwear (no open toed shoes).

Clean up at least once a year - between April 1st and November 15th focusing on Earth Day and an appropriate date in the Fall.

The Council of the Township of Amaranth deems it to be in the public interest to adopt policies to maintain the proper drainage of roads and ditches within the Township, maintain curbs and sidewalks, and to address safety issues relative to ingress and egress on Township roads. 

Entrance / Road Crossing Policy

The Entrance / Road Crossing Application form can be found on the Applications, Licenses and Permits Page

Reduced load restrictions for Township roads are effect from March 1 to May 15th each year.  These dates may be varied due to road conditions.  Permits are required to moved excess loads during Half Load season.  Please contact the office at 519-941-1007 for further information.

The Township of Amaranth is committed to providing its residents with a safe and efficient roadway. During the winter season, increased maintenance is required to maintain an acceptable level of service for the travelling public. Unfortunately, winter patrol activities may damage mailboxes or other private features within the Township road allowance.

Please see our Mailbox Policy

Canada Post Rural Mailbox Guidelines

Waldemar Water

The Waldemar water system is monitored by Dufferin Water Co. In the event that the water system stops working an alarm is sent to the contact person at the company, who will work as quickly as possible to restore any water outages.

Dufferin Water Co., Joe Miedema, 519-942-5695

Waldemar Water Storage Upgrades 2023-2025

The Waldemar Pumphouse Water Storage Upgrade project is being completed to expand the water system to accommodate projected growth within Waldemar, and to increase the additional water storage available for fire protection. The Township has received the necessary funds from the developer to proceed with the project. Please review the notice below for further information. 

Notice to Residents

Construction Project Sign

Waldemar Pumphouse Valve Replacements - October 2021

The Township of Amaranth recently awarded H2Ontario Incorporated the contract to replace valves in the Waldemar Pumphouse. The project is scheduled to take place over three weeks from Tuesday, October 12, 2021 to Friday, October 29, 2021. The project is restricted to the area around the Waldemar pumphouse with all work areas fenced off from the public. Work will take place between 7:30AM to 4:30PM, Monday to Friday. Traffic and pedestrian control measures will be put in place on the laneway to Waldemar Park but there will be no interference with Station Street. Project Contacts are listed below in case of issues/complaints.

Project Contacts:

  1. Paul Korczynski, Site Supervisor, H2Ontario Inc., 519-503-2974 (cell)
  2. Marty Zorgel, Construction Inspector, R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited, 519-217-2718 (cell)


Waldemar Water Reports

Waldemar 2023 Annual Report

Waldemar 2023 Summary Report

Waldemar 2022 Annual report

Waldemar 2022 Summary Report

Waldemar 2021 Annual report

Waldemar 2021 Summary Report

Waldemar 2020 Annual Report

Waldemar 2020 Summary Report

Waldemar 2019 Annual Report

Waldemar 2019 Summary Report

Waldemar 2018 Annual Report

Waldemar 2018 Summary Report

Waldemar Drinking Water System Inspection Report - August 8, 2019

The report is also available upon request, without charge, at the Municipal Office located at 374028 6th Line Amaranth, between the hours of 8:30 and 4:30 Monday through Friday.

View the Waldemar Quality Management System Policy

Ontario Drinking Water Risk Methodology Information Sheet

Water Restrictions

A reminder that there are Water Systems Restrictions/Regulations in place for the Waldemar Water System 

By-Law 52-2006 regulates the use of the Waldemar Water System - "Even numbered houses on even days, and odd numbered houses on odd days, between the hours of 5:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.; filling of swimming pools from the water system is prohibited."  A ban may be imposed at anytime due to conditions.  Please use your water responsibly.

Under Section 7 of By-Law 52-2006:  Every person who contravenes any of the provisions of this by-law is guilty of an offence and is liable to the penalty provided for under the Provincial Offences Act.

Information and rules for residential well (private wells) owners with respect to the proper location, construction, maintenance and abandonment of a well can be found on the Ontario Well Information Page.

Municipal 511

Click the link below to view up to date information on any road conditions, closures or notices throughout the County.

Municipal 511 Website

Road Needs Study

R.J Burnside & Associates Limited (Burnside) was retained by the Township of Amaranth to conduct a Road Needs Study (RNS). This RNS provides an inventory of the Township's road network, establishes the physical condition of the roads and determines the road maintenance and improvements needs and costs. A general prioritization of the road needs is provided, together with a recommended 10 year road improvement plan (2023 to 2032), to assist the Township in the development of a multi-year capital plan that will assist the Township in asset management planning. 

Road Needs Study Report

Road Occupancy Permits

Completed forms can be sent to

Road Occupancy Permit

Source Water Protection is a provincial program to protect our municipal drinking water sources (water found in lakes, rivers and underground) from contamination and overuse.

See fact sheets below for information on how to protect source water.

Handling Fuels Safely: Residential Fuel Use

Keeping Chemicals Out of Drinking Water Sources: The First Line of Defense

Speaking of: Septic Systems

Signs have been erected in some areas within the Township, which are regulated by the Source Protection Plans of the CTC Source Protection Region, Lake Erie Source Protection Region and South Georgian Bay Lake Simcoe Source Protection Region.  Significant threats have been identified in those areas.  For more information please contact the Township or visit the following website links:

CTC Source Protection Region

Lake Erie Source Protection Region

South Georgian Bay Lake Simcoe Source Protection Region

Salt and Winter Maintenance:

What can I do at home to help keep salt out of the environment?

Winter is Here - Winter Driving Safety Tips

Ensure that when travelling during winter weather to take it slow, be alert and follow at a safe distance from other vehicles and snow plows. 

Snowplows often move at slower speeds than surrounding traffic. Give plow drivers the space they need to clear the roads effectively and efficiently. Knowing how to drive alongside and around snowplows helps reduce accidents for everyone on the road.

  • Don’t follow too closely behind a snowplow - stay at least 200 feet behind it.
  • Never pass a snowplow on the right - some snowplows are equipped with a wing plow on the right side of the truck.
  • Be aware of snowplows - plows have large blind spots where the plow driver cannot see you.
  • Don't drive beside snowplows - you risk collision as snowplows sometimes shift sideways when they are plowing packed snow, drifts and around mailboxes.
  • Move aside - snowplows often drive along the centerline of a roadway to remove snow. If you are approaching a snowplow from the opposite direction, shift right if conditions allow to ensure there is enough space for them to pass you safely.
  • Beware of reduced visibility - even at reduced plowing speeds, a light powdery snow forms a cloud in the wake of a snowplow that severely restricts a driver's visibility making passing extremely dangerous.


Snow Removal Notice

  • Take notice that under the provisions of the Highway Traffic Act, Section 170, Subsection 12, No person shall park or leave standing any vehicle, whether attended or unattended, upon any road in such a manner as to interfere with snow removal operations.  Any vehicle obstructing snow removal operations will be referred to the OPP and shall be removed at the owner's expense.
  • No Person shall deposit snow onto the road or road allowance pursuant to the Highway Traffic Act, Section 181. Please note that this includes pushing the snow across the road to the road allowance.

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