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Council Members for the 2022 to 2026 term

Council Meetings are held the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month at the Amaranth Township Office, unless otherwise determined by Council, and are open to the Public.

*** Please note the Township is now using new software for Council agendas and minutes. If you have a bookmark saved for the agendas and minutes, please update it to the new link. For the most current agendas and minutes please click the first link below. If you need assistance please contact the office.


Council Agendas and Minutes - for Council Meetings July 20, 2022 to current


Council Agendas and Minutes - for Council Meetings July 6, 2022 and prior


Council Calendar and Current Meeting Recording - for a list of all Council meeting dates and the most current meeting recording.


Municipal Councils, local boards and their committees must meet behind closed doors on occasion to deal with some matters. For example, if a municipality is being sued or if Council is considering purchasing a piece of land; or must deal with a labour relations issue, then it is appropriate that it be able to do so at a closed meeting.  The purpose of such a closed meeting is to receive information or give direction.

Council of the Township of Amaranth has adopted the following by-laws/policies:

  1. Procedural By-law 80-2022 and further amendment 24-2024
  2. Respect in the Workplace: Preventing Violence, Harassment and Discrimination Policy - Applicable to all persons who attend the Township workplace, including but not limited to visitors, contractors, venders, delivery persons, Council, Board and Committee members.
  3. Delegation of Powers and Duties Policy and Procedure 

Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest

All members of Council, local boards and committees have an obligation to act honestly and responsibly when making decisions or giving advice on Council, board or committee matters. This obligation includes the disclosure of pecuniary interest.

A pecuniary interest refers to a situation where a member has a direct or indirect conflict related to a matter under consideration. A full explanation of direct and indirect pecuniary interests can be found in the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act.

The onus is on the member to determine whether they are affected by the pecuniary interest provisions. All members must submit their disclosures of pecuniary interest in writing to the Clerk immediately following the meeting during which they verbally disclose a pecuniary interest using the Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest Form.

A registry of the written disclosures of pecuniary interests is available below.


Completed disclosure forms and information can be found on the Council Agenda & Minutes Page under "Conflicts Registry"

A person or group wishing to make a Delegation/Presentation to Council shall submit a request to the Clerk or designate in writing no later than 4:30 p.m. the Wednesday preceding the meeting and such request shall state the nature of the business and the names of the persons in the delegation/Presentation. A copy of the presentation must be provided for inclusion in the package.

The Clerk shall acknowledge receipt of the request and place the matter on the next appropriate Council Agenda.

Delegations/Presentations at the Council Meeting shall be limited to fifteen (15) minutes.  The duration may be extended by majority vote specifying the additional time.  Such question shall be decided by the Council without debate.

A maximum of three presentations per meeting will be scheduled by the Clerk or designate.

A person who is unable to attend a Council meeting may arrange for another person to appear as a deputation on such person’s behalf and to read aloud a prepared statement pertaining to an item listed on the Council agenda.

Members may ask questions of clarification.

An organized body wishing to address Council as a deputation shall be limited to a maximum of fifteen (15) minutes regardless of the number of representatives of that group.

Where deputations have appeared on an item on the Council agenda, the item shall be brought forward for consideration immediately after the deputations have been heard.

Presenters may only present once every 12 months on the same topic.

If you would like to be a delegation at an upcoming Council Meeting, complete the form below and submit it to the CAO/Clerk Nicole Martin at

Delegation Request Form

Please note that if the agenda is already full, the Clerk or Deputy Clerk may contact you to arrange a different meeting date that works for you.

Proclamations provide a means for Council to promote public awareness campaigns, charitable fundraising campaigns, arts and cultural celebrations of significance to the Township of Amaranth.  Proclamations may also acknowledge special honours for individuals and organizations of the Township of Amaranth in recognition of a special achievement.  Accordingly, it is important that Council’s endorsement of proclamations is based on a framework that ensures all requests are dealt with consistently.

Flag / Proclamation Policy

An Integrity Commissioner reports to Council and is responsible for preforming in an independent manner the functions assigned by the Municipality with respect to any or all of the following:

  1. The application of the code of conduct for members of council and the code of conduct for members of local boards.
  2. The application of any procedures, rules and policies of the municipality and local boards governing the ethical behaviour of members of council and of local boards.
  3. The application of sections 5, 5.1 and 5.2 of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act to members of council and of local boards.

  4. Requests from members of council and of local boards for advice respecting their obligations under the code of conduct applicable to the member.

  5. Requests from members of council and of local boards for advice respecting their obligations under a procedure, rule or policy of the municipality or of the local board, as the case may be, governing the ethical behaviour of members.

  6. Requests from members of council and of local boards for advice respecting their obligations under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act.

  7. The provision of educational information to members of council, members of local boards, the municipality and the public about the municipality’s codes of conduct for members of council and members of local boards and about the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. 2017, c. 10, Sched. 1, s. 19 (1).

The following documents have been adopted and/or passed by Council:


Township of Amaranth Integrity Commissioner contact information:

Principles Integrity

Integrity Commissioner

Jeffrey A. Abrams and

Janice Atwood-Petkovski, Co-Principals

Main Number: (647) 259-8697

To initiate a complaint or to seek advice from the Integrity Commissioners please e-mail

In October 2023 Council adopted the 2023 Strategic Plan developed by Strategy Corp.

Vision: To grow a strong, vibrant rural and agricultural community.

MissionEvery day we make informed decisions to serve our residents and businesses and steward our community.

Please click the link below to review the plan. 

2023 Strategic Plan

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