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Building Permits

The Township of Amaranth will be administering Building Permits for Amaranth properties starting January 1, 2025. 

As part of the Ontario Building Code (OBC), you may need a building permit before you begin your next building or renovation project in the Township of Amaranth. 

The Township of Amaranth is using an online platform called Cloudpermit. The Cloudpermit building permit system allows you to apply for and to see the status of your application anywhere, at any time. You can start an application and finish it later, and receive email updates on the status of your permit application. You can even request building inspections!

Notice of Public Meeting - Building Services

Amaranth Building Permit Fee Review - Final October 2024

Building By-Law

How to get started:  

To start, create your Cloudpermit account by visiting

Once registered, you can apply for building permits and track their progress online. 

How-to videos and support materials: 
Cloudpermit has a variety of resources to help you – check out Cloudpermit Support for instructions on the basics and watch the instructional videos below to learn how to use the software (watch more here):  

The following is a list of common projects that require a building permit.

The list is not exhaustive, so if you have any questions please reach out to RSM Building Consultants by email:

  1. Constructing a new building
  2. Constructing an addition to an existing building, such as
    • second or third story additions
    • attached garages, carports
    • sunrooms
    • solariums, porches, decks
  3. Making structural or material alterations, such as:
    • adding or removing walls (i.e., changing room sizes and/or uses)
    • new windows or doors where there were none before
    • enlarging or relocating existing windows or doors
    • enclosing an existing deck, porch, or patio of any size
  4. Constructing an accessory structure larger than 10 square metres in gross area, such as:
    • Detached Garage
    • Workshop
    • Carport
    • Pool house or cabana
    • Sheds greater than 15 square meters


If you are constructing an accessory structure and it is attached to an existing building and/or has plumbing, regardless of its size, a building permit is required.

  1. Finishing a basement, if the work proposed includes any of the following
    • structural or material alterations
    • installing or modifying heating and or plumbing systems
    • excavating and/or constructing foundations
    • basement underpinning
    • constructing a basement entrance
    • adding a second suite
  2. Energy and environmental building improvements, such as:
    • roof top storm water retention systems
    • green roofs
    • structures used in the support of a wind turbine generator with a rated output of more than 3kW.
    • solar projects such as installation of solar collector systems and solar hot water systems
  3. Constructing a deck more than 60 centimetres (24 inches) above ground
  4. Constructing a retaining wall more than one metre (3 feet 3 inches) in height provided the retaining wall is on or adjacent to public property (including streets), building entrances, and on private property accessible to the public.
  5. Constructing a tent that:
    • covers more than 60 metres squared (646 square feet); and/or
    • is attached to a building; and/or
    • is within 3 metres (9 feet 10 inches) from another structure.
  6. Demolishing or removing all, or a portion of a building
  7. Installing or reconstructing a chimney or fireplace
  8. Installing a wood burning stove or fireplace
  9. Installing or modifying heating and or plumbing systems
  10. Installing a backwater valve
  11. Installing a backflow prevention device

When changing a building’s use (i.e. from residential to office or single dwelling unit house to multi-dwelling unit house) a building permit is required. Even if no construction is proposed, if a change of use is proposed a building permit is required.

The following are examples of work which do not require a building permit and are not subject to the provisions of the building code. However, please note that this list is not exhaustive and judgment should be used depending on the situation and circumstances associated with the project. Even if a building permit is not required, compliance with the Zoning Bylaw is required.

  1. An uncovered platform (e.g. deck) provided:
    • its finished deck level is not more than 60 cm (24 inches) above the adjacent finished grade; and/or
    • it does not form part of an exit required under the building code; and
    • complies with the Zoning Bylaw
  2. Installing a skylight in an existing building provided:
    • the building is a house or small building (3 storeys or less) and
    • the installation does not require the removal of more than one rafter, joist, or other similar structural member (with the exception of a truss)
  3. Re-cladding of a house or small building (3 storeys or less) with non-combustible material other than brick or stone veneer
  4. Adding or replacing insulation
  5. The replacement of windows or doors provided:
    • there is no change in the location or size of the window and/or door,
    • the structural support for the opening (i.e. lintel) is not affected; and
    • a new exit is not created
  6. Replacing a furnace or boiler in a house
  7. The installation of additional cooling systems, gas fireplaces, air cleaners, in-line humidifiers, or hot water tanks in a house
  8. Repairing and replacing plumbing fixtures
  9. Replacing existing roofing material provided no structural work is required
  10. Finishing a basement of a house, if:
    • the work does not include structural or material alterations,
    • no additional dwelling unit(s) is (are) created (i.e. a second unit); and
    • the work does not include the installation of new plumbing
  11. Undertaking waterproofing repairs to a basement
  12. Installation of cabinetry and millwork
  13. Temporary Plastic Sheet Covered Accessory Structures (i.e. snow canopies, driveway tents, automotive canopy)
  14. Constructing a retaining wall that is on private property, not accessible to the public and/or where the height is less than 1 metre in height at any location
  15. Installing a sump pump
  16. Installing a temporary “hoop house” which has roll up plastic tarping, open ends, the hoops are not encased in concrete piers in the ground and the tarping is removed in the winter months. A hoop house is used for agricultural farming purposes only

Permit fee payments can be made at the Township Office by cash or cheque only. 

Payments can be made during regular business hours:

8:30am to 4:30pm - Monday to Friday

Except holidays

Completed building permit applications are reviewed within the timeframes set out in the Ontario Building Code.  Applications are reviewed in the order in which the Municipality receives the applications. Once the review has been completed the applications are either issued or notice will be provided to you of any compliance deficiencies within the timeframes listed below.

Timeframes for permit reviews are as follows:

  • 10 business days - residential (houses, semi-detached, row houses under 600 sm, tents, signs, pool fence enclosures)

  • 15 business days - small buildings, including agricultural buildings 600 m2 or less in building area

  • 20 business days - large buildings, including agricultural buildings more than 600 m2 in building area

  • 30 business days - complex buildings

Ontario Building Code (OBC)

Zoning - make sure your property is zoned for what you want to do

Ontario One Call - you must call before you dig

Electrical Safety Authority (ESA)

Ministry of Transportation  

All designs for building permits in Ontario are required to be prepared by individuals qualified in Ontario. For example, an engineer’s seal from another province cannot be accepted.


Permit Application Drawings (if applicable)

  1. Site Plan
  2. Floor Plan
  3. Foundation Plan
  4. Framing Plan
  5. Roof Plan
  6. Reflected Ceiling Plan
  7. Sections and Details
  8. Building Elevations
  9. Electrical Drawings
  10. Heating, Ventilation and Plumbing Drawings

           * Note- additional drawings may be requested upon review of permit application


Site Plan - Minimum Drawing Requirements

  1. Lot size and the dimensions of property lines and setbacks to any existing or proposed buildings.
  2. Existing and finished ground levels to an established datum or adjacent to the site.
  3. Existing rights of way, utility easements, municipal services, and fire hydrants.
  4. Dimensions of existing and proposed buildings including height.
  5. Number and dimensions of all parking spaces, parking aisles and driveway access.
  6. Landscaping details, lot grading and onsite storm water features, sight triangles, top of bank.
  7. Septic System including tank, distribution lines and mantle location and setbacks to all proposed buildings.
  8. Natural features such as wetlands, water bodies and flood prone areas, show highwater mark.


Flood Elevation Drawings

Required to be completed by Ontario Land Surveyor or Professional Engineer to establish the location of the flood line and prove flood elevation compliance with zoning requirements. 

Inspections are available on Tuesday and Thursday by virtual meeting.  

Once a permit is issued, a building inspection can be requested in Cloudpermit. All requests require a minimum of 2 days notice by 3:00 p.m.

When the request is confirmed in Cloudpermit, you will receive an email with a meeting time, along with a Microsoft Teams link to the virtual inspection. Simply follow the instructions in the email. 

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