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GRCA - Flood Termination - Watershed Safety Message

Posted on Monday, February 11, 2019 04:00 PM

Flood Message #6: Flood Termination - Watershed Safety Message


The Grand River Conservation Authority is issuing the following Flood Termination message. All Flood Warnings and Watches issued between February 4th and February 8th are now terminated.


The weather system that passed through the watershed over the weekend has returned temperatures below freezing. These temperatures are forecast to remain below freezing through the rest of this week. River flows in the northern, central and...

GRCA - Flood Watch - Entire Grand River Watershed

Posted on Thursday, February 07, 2019 03:30 PM

Flood Message #4: Flood Warning – Southern Grand River watershed – Lake Erie Shoreline | Flood Watch – Entire Grand River watershed

The Grand River Conservation Authority is issuing the following Flood Warning message for the southern Grand River watershed and Flood Watch for the entire Grand River watershed. This message replaces Flood Messages #3.

The flood peak from the weather system affecting the Grand River watershed earlier this week has reached Lake Erie. Flows in the southern Grand River remain...

JiD Social Media (002)

Join in Dufferin!

Posted on Thursday, January 24, 2019 09:30 AM

Join in on Dufferin County’s new public space: Join in Dufferin! Share your stories, connect with your community and have your say on new projects!


Posted on Monday, January 14, 2019 04:30 PM

The Local Planning Appeal Tribunal Act, 2017 requires the Tribunal to conduct a case management conference after it has received a valid notice of appeal of the matter identified in the title of proceedings.

The Local Planning Appeal Tribunal ("Tribunal") will conduct a case management conference for this matter.

This case management conference will be held:

AT: 10:30 AM

ON: Wednesday April 03, 2019

AT: Municipal Building Council Chambers 374028 6th Line, Amaranth, ON L9W 0M6

The Tribunal has set...

County of Dufferin Poster - Housing Supply Consultations

County of Dufferin Increasing Housing Supply Consultations

Posted on Tuesday, December 11, 2018 10:30 AM

The County of Dufferin is looking for your input! Attend one of the public consultations to share your thoughts on how we can increase housing in Dufferin County!

Wednesday December 19th from 2:00 – 4:00 pm: Community Room, Grand Valley Community Centre

Monday January 7th from 10:00 – 12:00 pm: Tony Rose Memorial Centre Banquet Room, Orangeville

Monday January 7th from 6:00 – 8:00 pm: Mel Lloyd Auditorium, Shelburne

Register at by searching “Increasing Housing in Dufferin...

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