WATERSHED CONDITIONS - July 20, 2021 Flood Outlook Statement

Credit Valley Conservation
1255 Old Derry Road, Mississauga, ON, L5N 6R4
Telephone: (905) 670-1615
Date: July 20, 2021
Time: 5:56 PM
Credit Valley Conservation advises that Environment Canada is forecasting severe thunderstorms this evening and after midnight bringing localized rainfall amounts in the range of 15-30mm.
Flooding of the Credit River and its major tributaries are not expected. However, intense rainfall associated with thunderstorms may result in flooding of small headwater and urban areas. Some watersheds may respond with higher flows and water levels. As a result, local streams and rivers could become dangerous, especially in the vicinity of culverts, bridges and dams. Children should be warned to stay away from all watercourses.
CVC will continue to closely monitor weather and water levels in the watershed. The Watershed Conditions Statement for Flood Outlook will be in effect through Wednesday July 21, 2021 or until further notice.
To view current watershed conditions, please visit our real-time monitoring website: https://cvc.ca/watershed-science/watershed-monitoring/real-time-monitoring/
Alex Pluchik
Flood Duty Officer
NOTE: A Flood Outlook Statement is issued as an early notice of the potential for flooding based on weather forecast of heavy rain, snow melt, high wind or other conditions that could lead to high runoff, ice jams, shoreline flooding or erosion.
Note to Public: CVC’s role during a flooding event is to monitor current watershed conditions and weather forecasts, predict river and creek conditions, and communicate our findings to the public, municipalities and media. For more information about this message please call CVC between 8:30 and 4:30 (Monday to Friday) at 905-670-1615 and ask for the Flood Duty Officer. If you are concerned about high water levels in your area, please contact your municipality. For emergencies requiring police, fire or ambulance, call 9-1-1.
These flood warning messages can be found on our homepage, Facebook account and Twitter account. Additionally, you can sign-up for CVC flood alerts in real-time right to your mobile device through the Alertable app, a Canadian public emergency alert system. It’s free via the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

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